Ivan Martinez

Tula House


Big James

Studio Skillman

Cabezon Toy Dept.

Datacubed Health

The Miami Generation

Natural Life


Axe Reposition

Samsung Pay

Samsung Emoji Match


Tulita the Greenhouse Truck

Co-Founder & Creative Director

How does a self funded retial brand rise above the noise when a traditional brick and morter is not a possiblity.

Using the food truck model as a common and accepted for of retail, plus the lack of plant shop and plant education in various Brooklyn neighborhoods.

Creative Solution:
The Tulita Truck was a way to create a storefront when the brand was not ready for a storefront, while at the same time creating a differentiating postition as a plant shop. Tulita is the first of it’s kind, a mobile Greenhouse that explores different neighborhoods to make owning plants an easier and more interactive experience. On the truck customers can speak to the owners and receive one on one consultation and eduction about the plants that are right for their living conditions. 

Tulita is a refurbished 1987 P30 Chevy. The design included removing the roof and installing plexiglass panels, reminiscent to a greenhouse. A large retractable service window was cut from the side, and the roll-top back door was replaced for 2 swing doors. All the signage on “Tulita" was hand-painted to continue the hand-made, horticulture aesthetic of Tula’s brand.

As co-founder I lead the truck concept and design.

Design & Build
Truck Design
Signage Design

Pop-ups & Partnerships
Herman Miller