Ivan Martinez

Tula House 



Big James

Studio Skillman

Cabezon Toy Dept.

Datacubed Health

The Miami Generation

Natural Life


Axe Reposition

Samsung Pay

Samsung Emoji Match


Datacubed Health

Intro ︎Design Principles ︎ UX/UI ︎ Illustrations

Senior Visual Designer

As the Senior Visual Designer, I created the design principles, style guides, identity systems, game worlds, and avatars for the experimental gaming app. Working alongside the UX designers and engineers in Sprint planning, we successfully developed an industry-leading gameplay and reward system to achieve the platform’s primary goal—user retention.

Design Principles:
Created the style guides and design principles for the Linkt App interface.

UX/UI Design:
Developed user flows, wireframes, prototypes, user interface designs, and standards and guidelines for the Linkt App interface.
︎︎︎ User Research and Strategy
︎︎︎ Gaming Concept and Design
︎︎︎ Interface Iconography & Elements

Game Worlds
Avatar Characters
Prize Elements

Linkt, developed by Datacubed Health, is a fully integrated electronic data capture app designed using gaming mechanics and reward-driven behavior change to increase participation and improve retention for clinical trials. Data collection is fully automated, gamified, and engaging, using human-centered principles and modern technology.

Linkt is visually engaging with bright illustrations and rich interactions designed to reduce the clinical nature of various activities. Daily tasks are treated with game-like scenarios; scoreboards, points, and point multipliers allow subjects to be more engaged while providing data on cognition, memory, movement, vision, and other clinical assessments.